Complete Details about Wind Energy Farm
"Don't let that wind pass unused!" Isn't it true? Wind energy is the future choice; we are...
February 12, 2025
“The nation that leads in renewable energy will be the nation that leads the world.” – James Cameroon
IMF and World Bank have forecasted that the GDP of our country will grow at the rate of 7-8% for the next few years. However, this growth is not possible without addressing the energy demand from remote rural areas. It would indeed be difficult to solve the energy problem of India solely with the on-grid power. On Grid Power suffers from distributional losses, operational efficiencies, bureaucracy, and various other issues. The substitute “off-grid power” can act as a rescue for energy poverty. International Energy Agency (IEA), in its energy access outlook, strongly advocated the importance of off-grid power in eradicating energy poverty from India. Let’s read below about the Solar Home System Appliances and how we can integrate them.
Solar home system comprises of solar panels along with essential devices such as mobile charger, lighting, Fans and TV. The fact that the power output from the solar panel is not enough mandates the development of super-efficient appliances to suit the requirement of the solar panel, for example, fans which comes along Solar home system consumes 6-30 watts as compared to 70-100 watts conventional fan without compromising on the air delivery. A quality SHS can be bought of Rs 7,000-12,000 which may contain the following accessories
These SHS comes usually varies from 10 Watt-100 Watt (peak) often sufficient for normal household usage. Additionally, many players such as Sunking, Mitva, SELCO have come up with higher wattage potential, which can support super-efficient refrigerators.
There is a strong need to formulate a stringent efficiency standard norms for the efficient appliance. Rating system for AC appliance has blossomed, but the same is missing from DC super-efficient appliances.
SHG can act as a medium of communication for the sales support of the appliances. Additionally, it may generate employment for many. SHG are group of women advocating a certain product which is not very much accessible in rural areas and with frequent outages and zero grid connectivity, solar appliances become handy for them.
The government should take the initiative to increase awareness about the importance of energy savings and off-grid solar appliances . Additionally, the super-efficient appliance should be kept in the lower bracket of GST as compared to the conventional appliances.
A lot of research is already going on around the world for inventing inexpensive storage solutions for solar power, however until it gets a push from the government side in the R&D, it is going to be very difficult.
SHS industry is still at the nascent stage. The government should hand hold this industry until the industry matures. SHS has huge potential to save energy and potential to address several of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) such as SDG7 (Energy), SDG 11 (sustainable cities) and has a ripple effect on many other SDGs. SHS can be of great help in eliminating energy poverty, along with creation of a sustainable society. A national policy framework for energy efficient products is required from Government which would address the significance of energy savings as every unit of energy saved is energy earned!