Complete Details about Wind Energy Farm
"Don't let that wind pass unused!" Isn't it true? Wind energy is the future choice; we are...
February 12, 2025
Solar energy is a form of clean energy harnesses the sun’s radiation to generate electricity or heat. It is available in abundance for free which makes it an important renewable resource in today’s time when a climate emergency is on the verge.
In present times, the world has been adopting solar power for homes rapidly. The adoption of rooftop solar panels is accelerating day by day. The installed capacity augmented from 117 MW to 1250 MW from 2013 to 2016. Therefore, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy via its National Solar Mission of India has set a target to achieve 40 GW power through rooftop solar systems by the end of 2022. This target might seem ambitious, but seeing the current upraise in the awareness of sustainable living, many households are switching to rooftop solar systems.
India is located in an ideal geographic location for ample tropical sun. With almost 300 sunny days with clear skies, rooftop solar power homes are the best solution.
The negative impact of carbon has caused environmental pollution and degradation. Solar power for homes acts as an ideal method to counter the carbon footprint compared to any other energy source. It does not produce any greenhouse gases nor pollutes the water.
For maintenance purposes as well, it requires very less amount of water. Solar energy systems do not produce any noise which is a major benefit since a lot of installations in an urban set-up face these issues due to diesel generators.
In this era, many residents are opting for eco-friendly solutions. The consumers are willing to make investments to contribute towards making a greener impact.
Global companies have started establishing their green goals to make their companies have a zero-carbon footprint in the next ten years.
Through solar power for homes, you produce your electricity which means you use less from the utility supplier. This way it immediately gets translated to savings in your electricity bills going up to 90%, as consumption is less. Plus, you can also make money by selling the excess solar energy produced to your supplier by giving it back to the grid.
The more energy one uses the less will they need from the supplier, making it a self-reliant system.
India is emerging as a leading generator of renewable energy on a global level. To move this target further ahead the government has targeted to achieve a 175 GW of installed capacity of renewable energy systems by the end of 2022. Out of this 100 GW is targeted to be achieved by solar installations and 40 GW through rooftop solar.
India recently announced its targets to achieve 450GW of renewable energy by 2030. To achieve these targets, the government has started issuing many subsidies and grants for residential as well as commercial solar needs. These grants help in reducing a substantial amount in our investments. As per the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, the government pays 340 percent of the cost to the installer.
Electricity prices keep on fluctuating from time to time. Hence it is very uncertain in terms of monthly expenditure. But in the case of solar power for homes, you get a stable and secure system which constantly produces energy reducing your dependence on grid power and hence prices.
Solar is a secure and stable investment giving returns up to 30% compared to any other low risk investment such as Fixed Deposits.
As long as there is enough sunlight, solar energy can be harnessed anywhere. This is particularly useful for remote areas where electricity from the grid is inaccessible. The solar energy system has also actively entered the residential sector as more and more households have realized the benefits of having these systems in their homes.
The chief factor that makes residential solar systems a plus, is that they require very little maintenance which includes just periodic cleaning of the panels. Solar panels come with a service life of 25 years if they are maintained properly.
The energy demand tends to be higher during the 8 AM to 1PM time frame and then again early in the evening from 5 PM to 9 PM. This period during the day leads to more consumption and hence higher bills. The advantage of having solar power homes is that solar energy happens to reach its maximum capacity for production during the day due to ample sunlight.
This reduces a fair share of your electricity expenses.
One of the biggest advantages of having a rooftop solar is that they do not require any additional spaces. They can be easily fitted over your existing areas like water tanks, lift shafts roofs, etc.
Aesthetic yet functional products like the Atrium by HomeScape act as an ideal addition to your roofs or open spaces. Its multi-use factors make it use the available space by making it more aesthetic.
Some amount of energy, around 3-5% is lost during transmission and distribution from the point of generation to the point of consumption at home. The longer the distance between the two the more amount of energy is lost. These small fractions when calculated in the long run cause a huge amount of monetary loss. In case of solar the generated energy is consumed at the point of production itself making these losses negligible.
In recent years, solar energy companies have started innovating solar designs to make them more customized in their designs. With several innovative human-centric ideas, solar energy systems have become both aesthetic as well as functional.
Atrium by HomeScape is a Solar pergola that acts as a shade for your open spaces and roofs while producing enough electricity to run your entire house. This design element acts as an ideal location to host family get-together and parties. It adds an aesthetic appeal to your roofs and balconies.
Elevated solar canopies have also been a major game-changer in the solar market due to their multi-use design. The Aerial can be an ideal product for your parking shades. This canopy acts as a dual-functioning system making it a sensible and conscious choice for your homes.
Sustainable living and lifestyle choices are adapted by many households these days. People have realized the advantages of having sustainable solutions as they do not just save the environment by reducing the carbon footprint, but they also save our monetary expenses.
The use of renewable energy also improves your health as the emission of greenhouse gases is avoided by a larger margin.
Solar power in your homes is viewed as an upgrade like a renovated kitchen or a landscaped garden. So being a solar owner will likely increase your home’s value by making it more aesthetic yet sustainable.