March 17, 2025

Net-Metering Policy in Delhi

With solar becoming extremely popular not just in the industrial segment but the residential as well, there is a dire need for people to know about one of the most important government incentives – Net Metering. Net metering is a unique metering and billing agreement between power utilities and their consumers, facilitating the connection of renewable energy […]

Challenges in Net-Metering

India’s rooftop solar power plant market is escalating rapidly with the country adding a lot more capacity in the past one year than all the previous years combined together. Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. However, the interconnection processes still remain taxing in many parts of the […]

Top 7 Advantages of Solar Power System

The global surge in energy costs has led many to find alternative fuel sources. With many options, today such as wind, hydropower and solar energy, solar among all is one of the fastest-growing sources. The primary reason why many people invest in solar power is to either heat water and/or generate electricity for basic appliances […]

What are the Solar Schemes in India ?

India is blessed with abundant solar energy potential with 300 days of sunlight. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is experienced over India’s land area with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day. The government henceforth aims to create solar schemes to use this renewable source of energy efficiently. Below is a […]

The Top 10 Solar Power Companies in India

The word ‘solar’ is buzzing a lot nowadays everywhere due to various reasons. The demand for solar energy is increasing as people have come to realize the benefits of the same. India has come a long way from 12,230 MW installed solar capacity in 2017 to 36,000 MW in 2020. This can very well be […]

Global Commitment to RE-100

RE100 is a global, collaborative initiative of influential businesses committed to using 100% renewable electricity. RE100 aims to bring together leading companies with operations all over the world and spread across a wide range of sectors from telecommunications and IT to cement and automobile manufacturing to work together towards this on a global level. 114 […]

Grid of the Future

We are at the cusp of a technological revolution with the Smart Cities. A big part of this revolution is a phenomenon called Smart Grid. “Smart Grid” has been a buzzword for years now but the detailed understanding of the framework had been missing for a long time. However, in recent years, the architecture for […]

Everything About Paris Climate Agreement

What is Paris Climate Agreement? The Paris Climate Agreement also referred to as the Paris Climate Accord or Paris Deal is a pact sponsored by the United Nations to bring the world’s countries together in the fight against the climate change through any means be it solar power or any other source. It acknowledges that the threat […]

Pay-As-You-Go Solar Energy Companies Spread Light Across Africa

Pay-as-you-go solar find its share of success in Africa. Rural communities are getting their first chance at power. This has been one of the most valuable technology of the recent years. This technology sells family a small PV kit, which is then topped via mobile devices. Only one in six rural inhabitants have access to […]

Solar Energy: Myths and Truths

Solar energy is taking the country by storm as individuals and many organizations have collectively begun to realize the several reasons to switch to solar power. Don’t be fooled by the common misconceptions. In reality, there are a very few valid reasons to not take advantage of this abundant source of energy. Here are the […]

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